Current Members

PhD. Student & Postdoc Fellow

  • LI Zaile, M.Phil. - Ph.D. student in School of Management at Fudan University, started 2019
  • LIN Nifei, M.Phil. - Ph.D. student in School of Management at Fudan University, started 2019
  • ZHANG Qingkai, M.Phil. - Ph.D. student in School of Management at Fudan University, started 2020
  • Li Xinyao, M.Phil. - Ph.D. student in School of Management at Fudan University, started 2022
  • LI Jinzhi, Ph.D. student in School of Data Science at Fudan University, started 2020
  • Luo Heng, Ph.D. student in School of Data Science at Fudan University, started
  • Wan Yuchen, Ph.D. student in School of Data Science at Fudan University, started
  • Liang Zhiyang, Ph.D. student in School of Data Science at Fudan University, started 2023

Previous Members

  • LIU Guangwu, Ph.D., HKUST, June 2009.
    Placement after graduation: Assistant Professor, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong
  • SUN Lihua, Ph.D., HKUST, August 2010 (co-supervised by Ning Cai).
    Placement after graduation: Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University
  • HU Zhaolin, Ph.D., HKUST, August 2011.
    3rd Prize of Prisker Doctoral Dissertation Award from Institute of Industrial Engineers
    Placement after graduation: Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University
  • LUO Jun, Ph.D., HKUST, August 2013 (co-supervised by Jiheng Zhang).
    Placement after graduation: Assistant Professor, Antai School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • FANG Jin, Ph.D., HKUST, August 2015 (co-supervised by Jiheng Zhang), with Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship.
    Placement after graduation: Assistant Professor, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • FAN Weiwei, Ph.D., HKUST, August 2015 (co-supervised by Xiaowei Zhang).
    Placement after graduation: Assistant Professor, School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China
  • JIANG Guangxin, Postdoc Fellow, City University of Hong Kong, February 2017.
    Placement after graduation: Assistant Professor, School of Management, Shanghai University
  • YUN Xin, joint Ph.D. with University of Chinese Academy of Science, City University of Hong Kong, June 2018
    Placement after graduation: Postdoc fellow, Fudan-Princeton Postdoc Program
  • YUN Xin, Postdoc Fellow, Fudan-Princeton Postdoc Program, September 2020
    Placement after graduation: Assistant Professor, SILC Business School, Shanghai University
  • SHEN Haihui, Ph.D., City University of Hong Kong, August 2018.
    Placement after graduation: Assistant Professor, Sino-China Logistics Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • ZHONG Ying, Ph.D., City University of Hong Kong, August 2019 (co-supervised by Guangwu Liu), with Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship.
    Placement after graduation: Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Finance, University of Electronics Science and Technology of China
  • WANG Xiuxian, joint Ph.D. with Shanghai Jiaotong University, City University of Hong Kong, August 2019.
    Placement after graduation: Postdoc fellow, Sino-China Logistics Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • LI Wenhao, Ph.D., City University of Hong Kong, August 2021 (co-supervised by Zhankun Sun).
    Placement after graduation: Postdoc fellow, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
  • HUANG Weihuan, Postdoc Fellow, Fudan University, July 2022.
    Placement after graduation: School of Management and Engineering, Nanjing University
  • WANG Tan, Ph.D., Fudan University, October 2023.
    Placement after graduation: Non-tenured Associate Professor, School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China
  • DU Jianzhong, Postdoc Fellow, Fudan University, November 2023.
    Placement after graduation: Non-tenured Associate Professor, School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China
  • YANG Yi, M.Phil., HKUST, August 2008.
  • Richard WONG Ka Ho, M.Phil., HKUST, August 2010.
  • YANG Tao, M.Phil., HKUST, January 2013.
  • WU Yang, M.Phil., HKUST, August 2013.
  • XING Jicheng, M.Phil., HKUST, August 2014.
  • LU Hongchi, M.Phil., HKUST, August 2014.
  • YANG Huanhuan, M.Phil., HKUST, August 2015.
  • YU Le, M.Phil., HKUST, August 2015.